We are dedicated to the research and teaching of God’s wonderful Word. What makes us different? Read a few articles and find out. Key ingredients on this site are both reason and a deep respect for the integrity of the Scriptures. You won’t find any unfounded tradition here, just straight Bible.
The core series of our postings is the section on the gift of righteousness: “No More Conscience of Sins” (The best place to start for this series), “What is the Story with 1 John 1:9?” (Part 1 & Part 2), “Two Natures?” (Part 1 & Part 2), “Who is the Old Man and What is He Doing?,” and “Romans on Righteousness” (Part 1, Part 2, & Part 3).
Some other postings are designed to correct common misconceptions. These include “Live by the Sword, Die by the Sword?,” Creation, Science, and Genesis 1,” “Luke 15 and the Prodigal Son” and others.
There are also articles such as “What About Tithing?” and “The Right to Your Own Opinion” that are designed to make clear what God”s Word says about certain practical matters of Christian living.
I trust that the fundamental principles laid out in our “How to Research the Bible” section will be helpful.
Thank you for visiting. Enjoy, and God bless you.
Ken Brown and The Brown Bible team.
All Scripture references are King James Version unless otherwise stated.