The Latest News from Brown Bible
Just wanted to mention that our son's "Acceptance Day" was two days ago, August 3. That's what they call graduation from basic training at the Air Force Academy. He has now been fully accepted as a cadet. Classes started yesterday. We have hundreds of visitors to this site each day. Very very few of you have ever met our family, so you won't really care much about our son being at the academy. That's OK, but this is a proud Dad's opportunity to brag, and I'm taking advantage of it.
God bless you all.
Ken B.
Those of you who are registered to receive our newsletter might have noticed that you are past due to receive one. All of your e-mail addresses have been lost. It won’t really matter much since on our new set-up, we have a news section. I’ll post updates from time to time. Thank you for your interest.
“How could we have lost all the addresses,” you ask. Our old web site crashed slowly. It never completely went down. There was no discernable difference to our guests, but for a period of time, the administration section was inaccessible. During this time, my computer crashed. I had saved the newsletter mailing list in a folder in my Earthlink e-mail program. Anticipating the crash, I had registered for Carbonite back up. It did its job, saving the e-mail database as well as all other files. My old computer was running on Windows XP. I upgraded to Windows 7 for the new one. Unfortunately, Earthlink did not upgrade their software to run on windows 7. The database is still there but cannot be accessed. All e-mail is lost.
I have had some great conversations with a number of you and have benefited from your Biblical insights. I am deeply saddened that the record of those conversations is lost, though I remember much from them.
God Bless You.
Just so you know, some of the statistics on our site are skewed, some in one direction and some in the other.
On the one hand, there are articles showing 100 or fewer hits that have actually been opened thousands of times. The major flurry of activity was before late July of 2011. All records before that time have been erased. The vast majority of our articles have been opened many more times than the current number of hits would indicate.
On the other hand, our visitors counter is unfiltered. It is counting only from late July 2011 up to the present, rather from March 2009. It is, however, counting all visits including bots (programs that surf the net looking for places to deposit spam). I have been told that for an unfiltered counter, one can estimate that about 20% of the counted visits are humans actually viewing the site. So as of this writing, our counter shows a bit less than 70,000 visits in less than 4 months. We can estimate that that is about 14,000 human visits, about 3,500 per month.
As far as the stats on the donations are concerned, donations have been enough to pay for the site so far. 100% of all donations have gone to that end (would not have taken nearly as much if we had not had to do the site over, starting from scratch). I work a full-time job and cannot afford to go part time so as to be able to put more time into the Biblical research and publication on this site, but I am very thankful that my time and energy have been enough while others have partnered with the expenses. Thanks to all.
Today, July 28, 2012, is the one-year anniversary of the launching (or re-launching) of this site. We first went on line with “The Brown Bible” in March of 2009. In a little over two years, it became apparent that our time with that site was limited. Fatal errors were more and more frequent and there didn’t seem to be any fix for it. I asked Cal Bower with One Of A Kind Websites to build us a new site. He did an admirable job and completed the project in time for us to copy all the articles over to the new site. All the stats are from one year ago to the present. It is a completely new site. As of this moment, our visitor counter shows 182,888 visits.
I have been perplexed by the lack of comments since establishing the new site. We had hundreds of valuable comments on the old one (and unfortunately, didn’t get them saved), but since establishing the new site there have been relatively few. The process seems equally easy, so I have yet to learn what the difference is. Clue me in if you know why.
The primary purpose for establishing the site was to help get the Word out on the gift of righteousness. Rightness before God is a gift paid for by Jesus Christ. We accept him and God accepts us. It has nothing to do with our works. Hardly anyone believes this. They preach works for salvation, or teach it is a gift BUT…. There are no “buts” on this site.
I have recorded a number of audio teachings but have yet to figure out how to post them. Once I learn, there will be a significant amount of new material.
God bless you all, and thank you for your interest.
A friend set up this Bible oriented website for me in March of 2009. The site had to be redone and relaunched in July of 2012 so all the stats are from that time. In just a little under two years, the visitors counter hit the one million mark (yesterday). I am aware that the vast majority of these are computer bots looking for a place to deposit spam. The counter is not filtered. I have heard estimates of between 15% to 40% that these are actual humans coming to the site. Still, that's between 150,000 and 400,00 human visits in less than two years. I talked to a tech guy last Saturday who expressed his amazement at the volume and that there are a number of entries that show up on page one of Google searches (without paying for it). Am thankful to God and will continue to write.